Saiyuki Reload Manga Review

- Manga Cover
Reload is a continuation of The Sanzo's Party through Shangri-La. It
starts off right where Saiyuki leaves off. There are of course new
characters and new bad guys involved in the story. Koukaiji and there
group rarely show up in this series.
Saiyuki Reload Plot

- Hakkai and Goku
I said, Saiyuki Reload picks up from the end of Saiyuki. Sanzo, Goyjo,
Hakkai, and Goku are traveling in Shangri-La to stop Gyumaohs awakening.
This will bring peace to the Shangri-La area and to humans and Youkai
alike. This series mainly focuses on Sanzo and a past enemy Ukoku.
man named Hazel and his body guard Gat, go around to towns and clean up
the youkai and the mess they make. He brings people back to life. These
people will have yellow eyes and have a strong dislike of youkais. This
causes a problem with Sanzo's three friends. When they find out who is
behind it they challenge Hazel and Gat. Soon they travel the same paths
but generally not together.
Ukoku is actually a friend of Hazel.
He tells Hazel that Goku is a very strong being, not youkai or human.
Ukoku tries to stir things up by attacking Goku. He is sending a message
to Sanzo. Sanzo leaves his party and travels with Hazel and Gat for a
while trying to find Ukoku. The two parties are always close together
but never meet until the end of the manga. They all face Ukoku for a
final battle and revenge.
Saiyuki Reload Characters

- Hakkai, Hazel, Sanzo, Goku, Goyjo, and Gat
Reload contains basically every main character from Saiyuki. The main
group consists of Genjo Sanzo, Goyjo, Hakkai, and Goku. Sanzo is a
Buddhist high priest, Goyjo is a brash ladies man, Hakkai is a thinker,
and Goku is a money god. They are all really different but work together
The characters of Saiyuki Reload is Hazel, Gat, and Ukoku.
Hazel is a western priest. He has the ability to bring people back to
life by using youkai souls. Gat is Hazels body guard. He is the only
human killed by Hazel and therefore Hazel feels responsible for him. He
constantly brings him back to life. Ukoku was given the Muten scripture
but never the name of Sanzo. He feels resentment for this and thus he is
a very cold character. He has a good personality surprisingly enough
and can talk his way into anything.
Saiyuki Reload Scriptures

- Muten Scripture at Work
Saiyuki Reload there are scriptures that were given to different
priests of the buddhist religion. These scriptures are very powerful
together but not so destructive apart. These priests are called Sanzos,
the scriptures are called Tenchi Kaigen Kyoumon. There are a total of
five sutras. They are called the Maten, Seiten, Muten, Uten, and Kouten.
The Maten is the scripture over evil and yin and is held by Genjo
Sanzo. Genjos Sanzo also carries the Seiten scripture which is over
holiness and yang. The Kouten is held by Sharak Sanzo and has the power
over the unkown and infinite. The Uten scripture has the power over life
and existence and is held by the Gyumaoh side. The Muten is held by
Ukoku and has the power over death and nothingness.
Saiyuki Reload
is a great travels tale. The story only gets better with each series
for sure. I would recommend reading this manga if you are a fan of any
Samurai or Buddhist manga.
Saiyuki Reload.
Saiyuki Reload.
Overall Grade 8/10